mardi 9 février 2016


As we know, when you cut the sound, change the atmosphere of some of the videos completely. For example, the clip Chandelier Sia without music becomes downright scary! But when Le Petit Journal likes to mute the speakers and bruiter excerpts from the concert of the halftime of the Super Bowl 2016, the result is quite hilarious. Yes, Bruno Mars, Coldplay, Beyoncé and all other participants are left with few sound problems ... but not that! That's what happens below.
Bruno Mars and his dancers are so hard to see in full respiratory effort and with their shoes squeaky thoroughly. Chris Martin makes about him everywhere leaps uttering cries winded while Will Champion Fun on drums. Even the queen Beyoncé finds himself embarrassed by a well misplaced pet. Nobody is spared by The Diary of Yann Barthes and it's still very funny! To see the full video of the Super Bowl 2016 services (and true), it's here. Like this travesty?

The concert of the halftime of the Super Bowl is always great! But when the Petit Journal mutes the speakers, the result is quite different.

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Less than two months after the release of "Batman v Superman" in theaters, Zack Snyder revealed that he had requested the endorsement of Christopher Nolan, former director of the Black Knight, in order to make the film.
In July 2013, during the Comic-Con in San Diego, the public discovered with a mixture of surprise and excitement as the result of Man of Steel: Batman v Superman. Fantasized for years, the summit meeting between the two superheroes of DC Comics therefore will take place, and it will be from March 23 in our rooms.

==> With the same howls in the program?

Less than two months the release of the event movie, Zack Snyder was entrusted with Empire, which devotes the cover of its latest issue to the feature film. And the director has especially revealed he would not have turned this project without the support of Christopher Nolan, the Dark Knight trilogy, completed in 2012, is still in our memories: "You tell me if you do not want me to do, "said he told the author of Inception.

Batman and Superman, a hero of the new Empire:

  And the latter, after a pause, replied: "These are not our characters When you have finished making Batman movies, someone else will.." An accolade which, however, has not been that easy for Christopher Nolan, as Zack Snyder says: "I think he must have found it a little difficult, but I feel the same way."

Producer Man of Steel, which he also co-wrote the screenplay, Christopher Nolan is not at all involved on Batman v Superman. But no doubt many will try to ask his opinion on the Man Bat Ben Affleck, whose choice had been much criticized at the time.
On the same subject

  Batman v Superman: the hero pose on the cover of a magazine
     Batman v Superman: the tension is at its height in the spots and the poster
     Batman V Superman: face-to-face stretched between the two superhero in this new clip

Batman v Superman: Zack Snyder knighted by Christopher Nolan

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Avatar is not the only science-fiction film in French box office to eight digits ... although with 14 million 

entries, it remains far ahead of Star Wars - The Force Revival. Whatever! The J.J. Abrams film can now 

boast of being part of the very select club of American films attracted over 10 million viewers in France.

Star Wars became the 17th foreign film in the history to accomplish this feat, achieved only three small times 

over the past twenty-five years: by The Lion King, Titanic and Avatar.

==> Star Wars: other films will emerge as the boss of Disney

With 10,128,093 entries, Star Wars is on Monday 1st February 2016 the 29th biggest hit of all time in 

France, between War of the Buttons and The Guns of Navarone, in the list of 30 films that have 


more than 10 million entries in french territory. He can still expect to win

That's finally done: Star Wars - The Rise of the Force finally passed the symbolic milestone of 10 million entries on French territory, a rare feat for a foreign film science fiction.

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Serena Williams is just one match record of 22 victories in Grand Slam Steffi Graf and it is unclear how Angelique Kerber, another German, could prevent the join on Saturday in the final of the Open 'Australia.
Of course, we said the same thing there four months before the US Open. The American had won the first three major titles this season and seemed untouchable. Yet she had lost in New York, from the semi-final against Italian Roberta Vinci, a player ranked much lower than Kerber (43 against 6).
After the resounding failure that destroys Grand Slam, Williams took a long break. She came back even stronger, if possible to 34. Who would not believe her word, his first six matches in Melbourne speak for her. No lost handle, 2.6 games sold per piece on average, 46 aces, 83% success at the net, the statistics are impressive. "I am more regular and more stable mentally. I think this is the best Grand Slam tournament that I played last year," she said.
It was not an easy table, if indeed the term retains any meaning in the case of a champion too domineering. Russian Maria Sharapova, active player who has the most prestigious list after that of Williams, was corrected 6-4, 6-1 in the quarterfinals. It was his 18th straight defeat against the world No.1.
Recognizing the magnitude of the task, Kerber clings to the indestructible: "I have nothing to lose." As "most people think Serena will win" it will play "no pressure", she thinks. Not sure, because a first Grand Slam final is always daunting, especially against such a champion, and it is never easy to give the best of oneself.
The German, 28 years old, however, can rely on his victory of 2012, in Cincinnati, his only six matches against the US, to think a little. "I beat her once, so I know I can do it," said the player, who received an incentive from the current record holder message. The latter concerns only the Open era, which began in 1968 when amateurs and professionals were allowed to play the same tournaments. The very short record belongs to Australian Margaret Court Smith with 24. Nothing says he will hold until the end of the season.

Serena Williams she will match Steffi Graf?

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Germany - The train collision that ten people were killed and 81 wounded Tuesday morning in Bavaria is due to human error, claimed several German media. The automatic emergency braking system could not do anything there.
Train collision that ten people were killed and 81 wounded Tuesday morning in Germany is due to human error, claimed several German media. The automatic emergency braking system could not do anything there.
An employee of the switching station of Bad Aibling, a spa town in the south, has disabled the automatic signaling system says RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschand network (RND), on the basis of "sources close to the investigation." This alliance brings together 30 regional newspapers.
Citing a "reliable source", the German news agency dpa ensures, too, that the accident was due to "human error." But she said that the person or persons involved are "for now" to be determined. Contacted by the news agency afp, the regional branch of the police declined to comment.
The accident occurred at 7:00 on a one-way stretch of the line linking Rosenheim in Holzkirchen, between two regional trains launched towards one another in a turn. The shock has been ten deaths, 18 serious injuries and 63 slight.
According to the Minister of Transport Alexander Dobrindt, the tracks of the "technical problem" or a human error "are under consideration." But the railway was "secured by the PZB 90 system" supposed "to force the trains brake" to avoid collision.Convoy late
But according to the RND, automatic signaling was disabled "to let a late train", the first convoy involved in the accident, which engaged on this single track and had to rally a point where the rails separate again into two paths.
Or a second train was initiated manually on the same path in reverse, "although the usual signs are red" before the first convoy reaches its goal, says the RND.
According to Markus Hecht, a specialist in rail interviewed by the newspaper Bild, this maneuver "has the effect of disabling the emergency brake" system of PZB 90. This device was widespread in Germany after a similar accident in 2011.

Train Crash in Bavaria: human error is involved

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Miracle - A beautiful Christmas for a Berlin family. Their cat Miko disappeared seven years ago was found. A fairy tale ... or feline.
A Berlin family found his cat on Christmas Day, announced Saturday the local branch of the association of animal protection. Miko had disappeared for seven years in the streets of the German capital.
"A family of Berlin-Charlottenburg (district in the west of the city) lived this year a special Christmas story with happy ending She learned on Christmas Day that her cat had been found Miko. - Seven years after, "said the association holding the animal shelter and identified the cat.
Miko, the runaway black and white cat, was spotted Friday by individuals in the Kreuzberg district, several kilometers away from its original focus, and then delivered to an animal shelter that has identified its owners the same day with the chip wearing feline.A little thin but healthy
Accompanied by her father and his adopted sister Jennifer, Elena Hanke, who was eleven at the disappearance of his cat in 2008, came on Saturday to recover, says the association.
The family had the desired time the animal for weeks. Although that "too skinny", the animal was examined by the veterinarian of the refuge is "healthy," said the association.

unusual gift: missing for seven years, the Miko cat is back at Christmas

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Mignon - The snowstorm that swept the United States has not only unhappy. Zoo Richmond has witnessed 

an adorable scene. The small cheetah, Kumbali, saved from death last summer, for the first time discovered 

the joys of the powder with his companion, labrador, Kago.
We knew "Fox and the Hound," the fable Disney narrating the unlikely friendship between a dog and a fox, 

here that of Kago and Kumbali. The story is set at the zoo in Richmond, Virginia. While the monstrous 

blizzard Snowzilla returned the United States at the age of ice, two companions were discovering for the first 

time the joys of snow.
Taking advantage of the park closed due to heavy snowfall, a guard had the good idea to release the puppy 

Kago and his friend, the baby cheetah Kumbali tells MetroNews. And the least we can say is that the young 

cat and the dog get along as thick as thieves. They are chasing and rolling happily in the snow.

A baby cheetah plays with a dog in the snow

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